Lithium Charge Converter
The Lithium Charge Converter will allow you to charge a lithium battery with a charger you probably already own. Just plug a lithium battery into the charge converter, select the cell type and confirm the number of cells, adjust the charger to the correct output, plug it into the charger and start charging! The converter allows you to use a nickel-based charger to charge lithium-based batteries. No need to buy an expensive LiPo charger.
- This is NOT a charger! This is an adapter to be used with your existing "Approved" charger
- Eliminates the need to buy a lithium charger
- Extends the investment of a currently owned charger
- Easier to pack and carry than a second charger
- Will accommodate up to a 6-cell LiPo or 8-cell M1 Li-Ion
- LED indicator for configuration and cell settings
Product Specifications
# Cells:2-6 LiPo and 2-8 M1 Li-ion
Technical Notes
Only the following approved NiCd or NiMH chargers should be used:
o Dynamite - DYN4036 - Prophet Plus™ AC/DC Peak Charger
o LRP – 41550 - Pulsar Competition **
o Novak – 4490 – Millennium Pro **
o Orion Avionics - ORI62200 - Advanced Flight Charger ##
o Much More - MM-CTXC – CTX Cell Master V1.0
** These chargers will not charge more than 3-cell LiPo packs
## Using the NiMH or NiCd modes
Only use the Lithium Charge Converter with the following approved LiPo battery packs:
o Losi LiPo - LOSB9810 - 11.1V 2400mAh 3C LiPo TxPk: Z1, Helios
o Losi LiPo - LOSB9811 - 11.1V 2400mAh 3C LiPo TxPk: M11, MX-3
o Losi LiPo - LOSB9820 - 7.4V 2000mAh 2C LiPo Rx Pack
o Thunder Power - THP21002SPL – 2100mAh 2C 7.4V LiPo
o Thunder Power - THP20703SX – 2070mAh 3S 11.1V Li-Po
o Thunder Power - THP20704SX – 2070mAh 4S 14.8V LiPo
o Thunder Power - THP20705SX – 2070mAh 5S 18.5V LiPo